As veterans of the structured and unstructured information management space, Buan Consulting's founders bring many years of expertise to knowledge management and portal solutions. We have an understanding of the data found across organizations today, from the 80% of unstructured information to the 20% that is structured. We can deliver innovative solutions to manage all of this information upon which your organization depends.
We offer clients:
- A highly professional staff – each with deep experience across all aspects of knowledge management, professional training, and expertise in specific industries, Section 508 requirements (accessibility regulations), industry verticals, business functions, business processes, and leading-edge information technologies
- Exceptional business management consulting capabilities
- A comprehensive approach that integrates the core elements of strategy, content, process, technology, and people/organization
- Capabilities that span the entire project lifecycle, from initial analysis through implementation, from an advisory role to taking full responsibility for turnkey solution delivery
- A proven track record of successful knowledge management implementations
When you team with Buan Consulting to plan your knowledge management solution, our proven experience means that you can proceed with confidence to implement your knowledge management solution in less time and with less risk - bringing your employees, citizens, customers, and partners instant access to fresh, relevant content and services wherever in the world they may be working. We are committed to helping organizations that want to improve performance through the superior management of their knowledge. We will continue to invest in our people, our core business processes, and in our new services and products to sustain leadership at the forefront of knowledge management.