Problem: National Restorations needed to move legacy data to Salesforce and add the ability to find vendors in the area quickly who could provide service to clients. They also needed to be able to create multiple work orders with different vendors for each assignment without re-keying all of the data in the current system.
Solution: Buan was able to export and scrub National Restorations’ current data and then import the cleaned data into Salesforce. Buan created a subcontractor search that would find all subcontractors within a given radius; they also enabled them to create work orders based on selected subcontractors, including the functionality to filter results based on the type of service(s) needed. Buan was able to set up a customer community for vendors to log in and update the status of projects that they are working on with the ability to provide reports quickly for insurance companies.
Benefits/Results: With all the data clean, there was no longer a reason to visit the old legacy system. Everything was in one place, saving time in finding a subcontractor that could handle clients’ needs. National Restorations can now create work orders for users rather than creating records, saving additional project management time. Additionally, since vendors are updating information directly in Salesforce, users no longer have to re-key information from emails. Notifications are sent based on data that is updated, including a time-saving report that provides damage and repair information along with photos of damage.
Approach: To maximize efficiencies, Buan implemented a phased rollout for National Restorations:
Phase 1 got users using Salesforce, cleaned up a lot of the bad data that was in legacy system
Phase 2 added subcontractor search with map that allowed users to select subcontractor and create work order(s) based on the chosen subcontractor
Phase 3 added Site to replace a page on the current website that allowed users to check to see if there location (zip code, city and state, or county) was covered by National Restoration
Phase 4 added communities to allow vendors to update information directly in Salesforce
Phase 5 added custom report using Conga Composer that pulled information and photos to create a report for insurance companies
Highlights: National Restorations’ custom Salesforce solution included a subcontractor search that allows users to find, select, subcontractor and create work orders for each selected subcontractor. Additionally, it was made possible for users to search website to see if they were covered by National Restoration and subsequently “Contact Us,” which created a lead to be followed up on and tracked in Salesforce.