Connecting organizations with their customers.
At the core of the Salesforce architecture sits the customer. It’s a cloud-based solution that recalibrates businesses to better serve their customers, clients or end-users. And so much more.
It’s no surprise that Buan Consulting has made Salesforce its focus and study for nine years. We have delivered on some truly (dare we say) herculean requirements that were previously thought impossible. And our solutions continue to grow, morph and evolve alongside our clients needs over time.
As a registered Silver Cloud Alliance partner, we’ve led our clients through hundreds of successful CRM implementations for both private and public sectors alike.
In other words, through the platform, we can effectively help you:
1. Engage your customers and prospects by:
- Automating your sales process
- Managing and reporting on marketing efforts
- Tracking and improve customer service and support
- Enable a partner community for secure and efficient collaboration
2. Empower your team with insightful analytics with:
- Data migration
- System integration
- Custom dashboard/report management
- Help desk/case management solutions
- Customized training & on-call support
- Outsourced administrators