News & Resources — Case Studies

Tarrant County, TX: A Case Study

Problem: Tarrant County was looking for a cloud-based CRM system for Constituent Management for citizen issues like housing, health care, road issues and complaints. They also needed an event management system to coordinate committee meetings and fundraising. They needed remote access through smart phones and tablets and the ability to integrate with Outlook.

Challenge: As a government agency, Tarrant County needed to purchase through an RFP and deploy the system within 4 weeks of the purchase of the licenses.

Solution: Buan Consulting met with the end users and designed and deployed the Constituent Management and Event Management system within the 4 week timeframe.  The solution included Case Management for citizen complaints, Project Management for complex projects, Event Management for Committees and Fundraising events. They provided mobile configurations and trained the end users during an all day, hands on training session.

Benefits/Results: Tarrant County now has a cloud-based CRM system for Constituent Management. They can monitor the number of citizen issues which are resolved each day and escalate those which need additional support. They can send out mass emails to their constituents and track open rates. They can easily manage complicated milestones and tasks for long term projects and monitor the completion of each task based on the individual assigned to the task and the due dates.

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